I just found out that in a lot of my family situations, I was always somehow 'a go' between for keeping the peace. The Lord revealed that He is 'a go' between also, Blessed are the peacemakers for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. The word came to me Mediator: definition: One who intervenes between two persons who are at variance, with a view to reconcile them. Christ is a mediator of the new testament which is between God and man. We have the ministry of the word of reconciliation with the mediation between God/Christ and each other. We are a royal priesthood and a holy nation. This comforted me. Listening between the drama of life, we might hear from the Father God. Amen.
The Making For The Good
It is evident that God wants me to look to him only. Even when I feel that I might look stupid to myself because of the world watching my every move. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. My car sat in my driveway, minding, it's own business, and needing maintenance. And some individuals was coming to my door asking if my car was for sale. How covetous is that! Looking over at each others possessions is called "coveting". Even some (so-called) Christians coveting after each others possessions. All I know is patience has to have her perfect work, maybe because the Lord wants me to please him only. The world is wanting me to make moves quickly and not wait on the Lord's leading. You know, that devil don't want you to please God. Because of some reason of their own lust, they can't understand why, I'm not doing what they would do. I guess I look foolish to them. My life is nothing and I can do nothing without God. All the gifts of the Spirit can not work without communication with the Father God and faith. When I do have a need I must depend solely on God not myself. Because God knows where and how He meets the need, according to His riches in glory. Everything around me has a purpose to make me into what God has intended me to be. Even my mistakes work together for the good. Getting back to the beginning that God is the leader, which leads me by the way that I should go. Praying that my spirit stays in tune to his leading and/or with His word.
Well, the Spirit of God made me to realize,"What do I want to do", by faith, I said, If I can only get my car back in the backyard, I know that my car would somehow get fixed. So I prayed about this happening. Some guys said it was my alternator and some said it's my starter, I thought maybe it is just the battery. I wanted to believe these guys would know, but it all lead to confusion in my mind. So again. I prayed about this also. That is when I started to believe that it was just the battery, seem like they might be right about the alternator, but not now. So I prayed about getting a battery. And also my son's helped to get the car in the backyard first, and things started happening. My son came up with the money for the battery, I ordered it and installed
it and the car started and it ran for year with no problem. Being a double-minded will get you no where, so we must please only God, knowing that He said in his word, that we have a unction from the Holy One and we know all things.
Spiritually Blind Is Without Purpose
Who have sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind or that he had no purpose? waking up in the morning with no reason for living. Jesus said, that the works of God might be made manifest in him.
What is sin?
Sin is doing wrong to yourself and others through your body.
Sin is doing wrong to yourself and others through your soul.
Sin is doing wrong toward God through your unclean spirit.
When I tried not to do wrong to others, and I found that I still did wrong to myself. But if you love the Lord with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, you will not do wrong to yourself nor anyone else. But how can you love God without his Holy Spirit and without a new created spirit? You need to be born again.
I guess, I had no purpose for living as others, going through life not knowing what life was about, what to do? And how to do? Finding out through trial and error and then gaining sight everyday through giving my heart to Christ, the way, truth and the life. Finding out that God has my best interest at heart, through his commandments. There is no life, no way, nor truth, without the Lord Jesus, so we of all men without hope in Christ, are the most miserable. It is a true marriage with Christ, because the Lord says, that He will do it, when we ask anything in His name. He is indeed the stronger one in the marriage, the provider, and the keeper.
The Lord spoke, to Peter three times after Peter denied that he knew him, soul, spirit and body. Do you love me more than these? feed my sheep, Do you love me? feed my lambs, Do you love me? feed my sheep. Jesus telling him, that when he was young, Peter made himself ready and walked where he wanted to go, but when he becomes old, he will stretch his arms out and another which is God shall strengthen him and carry him where he don't want to go. Even loving Jesus is something that we must trust God for. This is our destiny, to completely trust God for everything. Through it all I learned to trust in Jesus, I learned to trust in God, I learned to depend upon his word. Soul, spirit and body, we are complete in Him. The blind man, had no purpose until the religious folk cast him out because the blind man testified of a man named Jesus (that was righteous before God and God approved him to heal the blind, that never was in history anyone was healed of blindness). So they cast him out because they didn't want him to teach them and when Jesus seen that they cast him out, Jesus said, Do you believe on the Son of God? Do you believe, not do you think that ever one else should believe, Do you believe? This man now has a purpose to live...Like Jesus told Peter, stop worry about what that man will do in God's kingdom, but you need to follow God for yourself, What is it to you what other men do?.you should follow Him for yourself....Amen.
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