Under the Blood Or Out Of The Blood

When you've been in a battle of scars and in a battle of truth. Sometimes what people had said to you in condemning, when you just had given your heart to the Lord, could be still condemning you.  Jesus washed our feet, maybe because we went places and picked up spirits. You are a new creature and you are holy not because you have done good or evil but that God dwells in you.  And you are his temple, your children are holy and clean, even though you been through the fire living with the unsaved.  God bought you with a price, his Son's precious blood, so glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. You can't condemn another man's servant.

When I was unsaved and going to College, I took my so-called youngest sister to the doctors for a checkup.  She was not supposed to date until at least sixteen years old.  But she was sneaking around with her boyfriend at school.  I was at that time of being 20 years and taking anatomy and physiology. I recommended to my parent to take her to the doctors for some kind of birth control.  She didn't want to but said I could take her, giving the responsibility to a sibling.  The parent didn't believe her daughter was fast. So, I took her to the doctors and she was already pregnant.  Which I was devastated, and thought this is not fair, she would not make it through school, which the rest of the girls did.  Thinking to much like a unsaved parent, I asked some people at work for advice.  One lady gave me a number and address and I gave it to my so-called sister, saying if you want to do this with your boyfriend. So she did get a abortion, how many years later, she had got married to the same boyfriend and had a son. I know now that this is murder to a unborn child to have an abortion.  My so-called older sister condemned me after I received the Lord in 1979, saying that I was saved when I helped the other to get a abortion.  Finding out that this older sister had two or three abortions.  Which she was under so much condemnation through her own conscience, so she wanted to condemn me also.  This was rough, knowing that I felt the Lord was going to save her.  She said she had received the Lord but something was just still not right.  She was still condemning me, years later.  I just found out years later, that she was like a Cain, being jealous of my offering to God, his well-beloved Son for my sins and she felt her works could save her from her sins.  She was trying to slay me by condemning me, but what did God's word say, "Who is he/she that condemns? It is Christ that died and he is risen and sitting at the right hand of God making intercession for us". When you know to do good and do it not, to you it is sin. God judge according to what you know, not what you know not. Don't condemn yourself, even if others condemn you, God is the judge.  Jesus said to the woman that was accused "Where are your accusers? Go and sin no more" amen. It is funny how some people would read this and believe that I still believe in abortions now, that is saying people don't believe in the offering of the body of Christ as righteousness. I am not still helping anyone to have an abortion nor did I have an abortion. And still today people are self righteous like unto Cain who slayed his brother Abel because of the offering of the innocent animal signifying the blood of the Lamb of God because that God chose Abel's gift over Cain's gift (the harvest offering). Be blessed and remember you can't get into God's kingdom by your own righteousness saved or not saved. Wash your robes in the blood of Lamb of God. Amen.