Give Them To Eat
Jesus told his disciples to give them to eat, what you are eating. The disciples looked at the fact that there was so many people to feed and the amount they had in their hands was not enough for them and the people to be fed. But Jesus commanded his disciples to make the people sit down. This is the act of their faith, to make the people sit down to meat. I have seen how God wants us to use what we have and multiply it, for my God is a harvesting God. Walk by faith and not by sight. Everything points to this scripture, that our lives are not the same as it used to be. I remember when I first received the Lord, I wanted great faith. I was told that if you fast, that it would make you stronger. So I fast for four days, I am not recommending that others do this. After the four days and I was in prayer, and I knew that the presence of God was there, God listening to me. I asked that I could walk with my husband by faith like Abraham and Sarah. I heard "You will surely, walk by faith with your husband". So I continued in prayer, and asked for the gift of miracles, I heard "You will surely have a need of a miracle" that made me afraid and I said to myself. "Oh, No, what have I asked". I always wanted God to be my husband, but felt "No, I can't asked that, but it was my desire though". I still went through a lot of dreams, about who my husband was and I searched and was very disappointed that nobody could fill those shoes but my God. I didn't realize that when I was under conviction to become saved, that I knew that God was taking care of me and all I wanted to do is have him in my life and get a man that would please him so I would not be unpleasing to him anymore. Yes, Jesus was that man that would make my God pleased and I would be pleasing to him. Long story made short, "The Lord of Host is his name" twenty-eight years later I found out that eye have not seen nor ear heard the things that God has prepared for them that love, wait, adore him, This song was given to me from the Lord on my venture for the search for the husband in 1983. So I have been walking with my God all this time by faith. :) God has many mansions, God is vast, Jesus said "He goes to prepare a place for you". God can be all that you need.. He is a fulfilling God. Hallelujah!